
L1 Association founded in 1998 as an alliance of independent Hungarian dancers has been focusing on the promotion of contemporary dance from the very beginning by supporting the productions and presenting the works of talented Hungarian and foreign artists.

The Association's primary goal, as to support innovative, unconventionally thinking and courageously experimenting artists – those who are ready to leave the known for the sake of the unknown could be realized until now. 


L1-resident artists: 

• help of L1dancelab:

2006 Naiara Mendioroz (ES), Pierre Nadaud (F/CZ), Adrienn Haraszti (HU)

2007 Zenon Dance Company (USA)

2008 Melanie Hosteint (FR)

2008 – 2010 Rita Góbi (HU)

2009 Andrea Lakat (HU)

2010 Workshop Foundation – Research to the unknown program


• by invitation:

2012 Katalin Lengyel, Bernadett Jobbágy, Judit Szamosi, Imre Vass, Gábor Czap (H)

2013 Kata Kovács, Eszter Herold, Enikő Szilágyi, László Fülöp, Enikő Buday, Csilla Nagy (H)

2014 Biczók Anna, Kéri Judit, Simányi Zsuzsanna, Simkó Beatrix, Horváth Ádám Márton (H)

2015 Dömötör Judit, Benjamin Jarrett (USA), Valencia James (Barbados), Monojlovits Eszter, Sándor Zita

2016 Gera Anita, Komjáthy Zsuzsanna, Kovács Emese, Kovács Tímea, Szűcs Dóra Ida (H)


• by application:

2017 BLASKÓ Borbála (dancer, choreographer), Lior LAZAROF (dancer, choreographer) (IL), SARLÓS Flóra Eszter (dancer, choreographer), SOMLÓ Dávid (musician), SZABÓ Veronika (theater director)

2018 ÁDÁM Anna (fine artist, performer, stylist and make up artist), GÁL HORVÁTH Bernadett (dancer, pedagogue in theater education), KISS Anikó (theater director for physical theater, performer) (SRB/H), KOVÁCS István (sculptor, performance artist), VERES Flóra (dancer)

2019 DÉRI András (dancer, choreographer), DOMONKOS Ágnes (theater creator), Syporca WHANDAL (multidisciplinary researcher) (H)

2020 GÁLOS László (collodionist, autopsy master),  LÁZÁR Helga (puppet theater director, designer, performer), SZEMESSY Kinga (dancer, scholar, teacher)

2021 BOT Ádám (freelance creator, performer), GYÖRKE Tímea (dance educatior, movement/dance therapist), ELLENBACHER Ádám (Fashion designer and graphic designer), Rab-Kuti Alexandra (freelance dancer, psychologist (in family support job)), SZÁSZ Zsófia (contemporary dancer)

2022 BÉRES Bíborka Janka – Queen B (Choreographer, performance artist, junior social researcher), FARKAS Gergő Dávid (Choreographer, dancer), HALÁSZ Anna Rebeka – Ana Fischer (Visual artist, craftman), KOVÁCS Domokos (Actor/Puppeteer, dancer)